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Discover the French quote "Je m'en fous"

Get prepared to find out all the things you need to know about the funny French sentence "Je m'en fous". To be more precise, it includes a complete explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. But, we also added some useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example, synonyms and more!

English translation

  • Translation : I don't care

  • Register : Informal - Funny - Slang

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / ʒə mɑ̃ fu /

aesthetic french quote je men fous

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What does je m'en fous mean?


The literal meaning is:

Even if it literally means that you are f**king it, it's a famous and very used expression that means for us: "I don't care". We don't really think about the literal meaning since we don't use the word "fous" from "foutre" in other situations.

But as you probably guessed, this is still very familiar and you shouldn't use it in official situations, like with teachers, boss, etc.

It's also useful to know that a "polite" way of saying it exists and it's "Peu importe" (It doesn't matter much). Ça m'est égal. ("It's egal to me") is quite polite too. Check the "Synonyms" chapter below for more variations.

How to use it

Someone asks you which is your favorite football team, but you don't care about football... you can say "Le foot je m'en fous." (I don't care about football)

Now your boss asks you if you prefer working tomorrow or the day after, you can say: "Peu importe." (It doesn't matter much).

Fun facts

There are infinite ways to express this feeling in French, most of them very vulgar, but I personally have a favourite one...

And it's: "Ça m'en touche une sans faire bouger l'autre." which means "It's touching one without the second one moving". And it's talking about...men's genitals. Classy, huh?

Check the list below if you want to find your favorite one!

Synonyms / Related

They are sorted from the more "formal" to the more "vulgar", even though this is not an exact science and can vary depending on people, culture, religion, etc.

↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Choisir un restaurant

To choose a restaurant

Emily et Philippe ont décidé de dîner ensemble après les cours.
Emily and Philippe decided to have dinner together after school.
Comme pour beaucoup de couples, c'est souvent une situation compliquée...
Like for many couples, it is often a complicated situation...
PhilippeAlors, tu veux manger où ?
So, where do you want to eat?
EmilyPeu importe. J'ai super faim...
Whatever. I'm super hungry...
Philippe propose un restaurant chinois à proximité.
Philippe proposes a Chinese restaurant nearby.
EmilyNon, je n'ai pas envie de nourriture chinoise...
No, I do not want Chinese food...
Alors il propose de manger une pizza.
Then he proposes to eat pizza.
Emily répond :
Emily replied:


The story just started!

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