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The French sentence "Ne t'inquiète pas" revealed

You are in the right place to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the inspirational phrase "Ne t'inquiète pas". Including a detailed guide of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. Along with the cool informations we sprinkled like dialogue example, synonyms, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English

How to pronounce it?



  • IPA : / nə tɛ̃kjɛt pa /

aesthetic french quote ne tinquiete pas

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What does ne t'inquiète pas mean?


"Ne t'inquiète pas" is the most common way to say "Don't worry" in French. It can be shortened as "T'inquiète pas" and even as "T'inquiète".

It's a very popular expression, typically used to minimize an issue, clearing up a misunderstanding, or to reassure about our wellness after an unfortunate event.

How to use it

Scenario 1: a colleague asks you if you will be there at the meeting this afternoon, you can answer: "Oui, ne t'inquiète pas, je serai là." (Yes, don't worry about it, I will be there). Or "N'y pense même pas, j'en ai marre de tes réunions." (Don't even think about it, I'm tired of your meetings.) But that's another story...

Scenario 2: you are falling off stairs and your friend comes to ask you if you are ok. You might say: "Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais bien." (It's not serious/Don't worry about it, I'm fine)

Synonyms / Related

There are a lot of synonyms, here are the most common ones:



↓ Example in a story with English translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Accident domestique

Domestic accident

Ellen a invité Joe pour le déjeuner.
Ellen had invited Joe for lunch.
Car elle avait des bonnes nouvelles.
Because she had good news.
Joe arrive chez elle et ils commencent à cuisiner.
Joe arrives at her place and they begin to cook.
Ils ont décidé de faire des pâtes avec des tomates et du fromage râpé.
They decided to make pasta with tomatoes and grated cheese.
Pendant la cuisson, Ellen annonce à Joe qu'elle savait enfin où elle allait partir en vacances...
During cooking, Ellen tells Joe that she finally knew where she was going on vacation...
Elle explique qu'elle avait toujours voulu découvrir les Alpes et la Provence.
She explains that she always wanted to discover the Alps and Provence.
JoeAlors, tu vas voyager dans le sud de la France ?
So, you're traveling to the south of France?


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