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Discover the French sentence "Le meilleur est à venir"

You are going to discover everything you need to know about the inspirational French sentence "Le meilleur est à venir". It includes a complete definition of what it is and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. As well as the useful stuff we added like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonyms and more!

French to English

  • Translation : The best is yet to come

  • Register : Neutral - Inspirational

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / lə mɛjœʁ ɛ a vəniʁ /

aesthetic french quote meilleur a venir

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What does it mean?


The literal meaning is:

These inspirational words are a reminder of being positive about the future and keeping an optimistic attitude. You will often hear French people using it when trying to cheer up/boost each other.

How to use it

Imagine you have a friend going through a tough situation and you want to cheer him/her up, you can say: "Ne t'en fais pas, le meilleur est à venir" (Don't worry, the best is yet to come).

You can also replace "Ne t'en fais pas" by "Soit fort" (Be strong) or "N'y pense pas" (Don't think about it) and many more options. You can also simply use it alone without anything before.

Fun stuff

There is an interesting French movie called "Le meilleur reste à venir" with a pleasant story and excellent actors!


↓ Example in a story with slow audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Une offre d'emploi

A job offer

RémiAujourd'hui, j'ai reçu un appel.
Today I got a call.
KarineDe qui ?
From who?
RémiUne entreprise qui veut m'embaucher !
A company that wants to hire me!
KarineCool ! Pour quel poste ?
Cool! For what position?
RémiConseiller financier.
Financial advisor.
KarineTu vas accepter ?
Are you going to accept?
RémiJe me suis renseigné sur l'entreprise, elle a l'air bien.
I inquired about the company, it looks good.
KarineAlors tu vas accepter ?
So are you going to accept?
RémiJe pense que oui ! Ils me proposent de doubler mon salaire.
I think so! They offer me to double my salary.
KarineWow ! Félicitations !
Wow! Congratulation!


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Ne t'inquiète pas

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