Are you ready to discover everything you have to know about the funny phrase "J'en ai marre"? This include a detailed guide of what it is and how to use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. Together with the cool stuff we sprinkled like slow pronunciation audio, synonym, dialogue example and more!
Translation : I'm fed up
Register : Informal - Funny
IPA : / ʒɑ̃n‿ e maʁ /
It's one of the many ways to say in French, "I'm fed up / I'm sick of". For example: "J'en ai marre de cette voiture" (I'm sick of this car)
When something or someone makes you angry, you can use: "J'en ai marre !". For example, if you just had a car accident because someone didn't respect the traffic light, you might want to say (or yell): "J'en ai marre !".
Plot twist: if you want to sound like a true French, use instead: "Ah putain ! J'en ai marre de cette merde !" (Oh fuck! I'm fed up of this shit!)
J'en ai marre !
I'm fed up!
Qu'est-ce qu'il t'arrive ?
What happened to you?
J'ai raté mon examen
I failed my exam
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