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All about the French phrase "Pas de problème"

Are you ready to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the basic phrase "Pas de problème"? This include a detailed definition of what it is and how you can use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. Plus, we also added some super useful stuff like synonyms, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English

  • Translation : No problem

  • Register : Informal - Basic

How to pronounce



  • IPA : / pa də pʁɔblɛm /

aesthetic french quote pas de probleme

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What does pas de problème mean?


It literally means: 

"Pas de problème" is one way to say in French "No problem", "No worries", "Don't worry about it", "It's not serious" or "That doesn't matter". It's basically the shortened version of "Il n'y a pas de problème" which literally means "There is no problem".

It's a very popular expression that we use to reassure someone after something happened. Typically: to minimize an issue, clearing up a misunderstanding, or to reassure about our wellness after an unfortunate event.

Let's see some examples!

How to use

Scenario 1: your boss tells you that you will have to work on Sunday and want to be sure you are ok with that. You can answer: "Oui, pas de problème, je serai là." (Yes, no problem, I will be there). Or "N'y pense même pas, dimanche je dors." (Don't even think about it, on Sunday I'm sleeping.) But that's another story...

Scenario 2: you are falling off stairs and then someone comes to ask you if you are ok. You might say: "Pas de problème, je vais bien." (It's not serious/Don't worry about it, I'm fine)

Synonyms / Related

There is an infinite number of synonyms, here are the most used ones:



↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

La rencontre

The encounter

Joe sort pour profiter du beau temps et lire un livre dehors.
One day, Joe goes out to enjoy the beautiful weather and read a book outside.
Il trouve un parc agréable, pas loin de son appartement, et s'assoit sur un banc.
He finds a nice park, not far from his apartment and sits down on a bench.
Il respire profondément, ouvre son livre et commence à lire.
He breathes deeply, opens his book and begins to read.
Tout à coup, le vent souffle et une écharpe atterrit sur sa tête.
Suddenly, the wind blows and a scarf lands on his head.
Il récupére l'écharpe et regarde autour de lui...
He retrieves the scarf and looks around...


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