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The French phrase "Tu es prêt" explained

You are going to learn everything you need to know about the basic phrase "Tu es prêt ?". More precisely, this includes a detailed guide of what it is and how you can use it in everyday life with an audio example. But, we also added some useful stuff like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

Translation in English

  • Translation : Are you ready?

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

Pronunciation example



  • IPA : / ty ɛ pʁɛ /

aesthetic french quote tu es pret

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↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Une visite à Versailles

A visit to Versailles

RémiTu es prête ?
Are you ready?
KarineOui, je suis prête ! Et toi ?
Yes, I'm ready! And you?
RémiOui, alors allons-y !
Yes, so let's go!
KarineÀ quelle heure notre visite commence ?
What time does our tour start?
RémiÀ midi.
At noon.
KarineBien, nous serons à l'heure.
Good, we'll be on time.
Ils arrivent au château de Versailles...
They arrive at the Palace of Versailles...
RémiWow ! Regarde cette file d'attente !
Wow! Look at this waiting line!
KarineOui. Heureusement qu'on a acheté les billets en ligne !
Yes. Luckily we bought the tickets online!
Ils montrent leurs billets, passent un contrôle de sécurité et entrent dans le château...
They show their tickets, go through security and enter the castle...
KarineJ'ai lu beaucoup de choses à propos de cet endroit.
I've read a lot about this place.


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