You are going to discover all the things you need to know about the basic sentence "Je n'ai pas le temps". To be more specific, this includes a full explanation of what it is and how to use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But, we also added some useful things like synonyms, slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!
Translation : I don't have time
Register : Neutral - Basic
IPA : / ʒə ne pa lə tɑ̃ /
It literally means:
This is the academic way to say: "I don't have time" in French. For the version we use the most: you can skip the " n' " if you want and say "J'ai pas le temps" instead, this is totally fine too.
Let's say that someone just asked you if you have time to watch a football match this afternoon. But you already have some things planned... so you say "J'ai pas le temps." to express: "I can't, I'm busy/I don't have time"
It's important to note that "J'ai pas le temps" means that you don't have time for this specific task. If instead you want to say that you don't have time for you in general, use: "J'ai pas de temps pour moi." which means "I don't have any time for me".
↓ Example in a story with English translation ↓
Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.
Les joueurs de jeux-vidéo
The video game players
The story just started!
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