On this page, we are going to explain you everything you have to know about the basic sentence "Ce n'est pas mon truc". It includes a full definition of what it is and how you can use it in everyday life with an audio example. But, we also added some super useful stuff like dialogue example, synonyms, slow pronunciation audio and more!
Translation : It's not my thing
Register : Informal - Basic
IPA : / sə nɛ pa mɔ̃ tʁyk /
It literally means:
Depending on context, this French sentence can have two meanings: that you are not very good at something or that you don't enjoy doing something.
First scenario: someone asks you if you are a talented singer, but you're really not... so you can say: "Non, ce n'est pas mon truc". It doesn't mean that you don't like to sing, just that you are not talented.
Second scenario: someone asks you if you enjoy doing hiking and you hate it, you can also say: "Non, ce n'est pas mon truc". Here, it's clear that you just don't like it, even if you might be good at it.
Disclaimer: both scenarios aren't 100% independent because we tend to be good at what we enjoy doing and vice versa...
You can also use "C'est pas mon truc" which is exactly the same thing, but a bit shorter. Indeed many French people skip the " n' " part, which represents the negation, because the word "pas" is clear enough to make the sentence negative.
A very-similar-but-yet-different sentence that you can use is "Ce n'est pas mon problème" which is a very very polite way to say "I don't care" (literally: "It's not my problem").
↓ Example in a story with slow audio ↓
Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.
Un film triste
A sad movie
The story just started!
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