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The French phrase "Je vous en prie" revealed

Get prepared to discover everything you have to know about the basic French phrase "Je vous en prie". Including a detailed guide of what it is and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. And that's not all, we also added some useful stuff like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonyms and more!

English translation

  • Translation : You're welcome

  • Register : Formal - Basic

Pronunciation guide



  • IPA : / ʒə vuz‿ ɑ̃ pʁi /

aesthetic french quote je vous en prie

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What does it mean exactly?


"Je vous en prie" is used very often in daily life and is one of the most popular ways to express "You are welcome" in French. The most classic way is "De rien", so if you have to keep in mind just one use "De rien" instead which will work in every situation.

The only difference with "De rien" is that "Je vous en prie" expresses a stronger gratitude and is more formal.

But keep in mind that to sound like a true French you will need to master these variations and use them appropriately depending on context, whom you are talking to and how much you want to be polite.

Let's see a few examples!

How to use it

A very basic example: you do something for someone and the person says: "Merci" (Thank you). Then you answer: "De rien" (You are welcome) or "Avec plaisir" (My pleasure).

But now let's take the same situation and change it a little. The person who says "Merci" is your boss and you want to show some extra respect, so you can use instead: "Je vous en prie" (Literally: "I beg of you").

Another case: the person is now your sibling/family or a close friend. No need to be formal anymore, right? So you can use instead: "Pas de quoi" (That's nothing) or "T'inquiète" (Don't worry) or "Pas de souci" (No worry).

Finally, imagine you think you don't deserve the "Thank you" or you think the other person is actually the one to thank. In this case you can use an expression to redirect the "Merci" toward the other person.

Examples: "C'est moi qui te remercie" → "No, I am the one who thank you" (Informal) or "C'est moi qui vous remercie" (Formal). Other options would be: "Tout le plaisir est pour moi" → "All the pleasure is for me" (Neutral) or "Merci à toi/vous" → "Thanks to you". (Informal/Formal)

Check the variations below to find the most appropriate ones regarding your situation!


In France, the variations you can use are:

In other French-speaking countries, you can also use:

↓ Example in a story with English translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

La femme à vélo

The woman on the bike

Nicolas rentrait chez lui après le travail.
Nicolas was coming back home after work.
Il va à l'épicerie pour acheter à manger.
He goes to the grocery store to buy food.
Après ça, il se dirige vers chez lui.
After that, he heads home.
En arrivant dans sa rue, il voit une femme à vélo.
When arriving in his street, he sees a woman on a bike.
Mais à ce moment-là, elle tombe violemment...
But at this moment, she falls violently...
Tous les fruits qu'elle transportait dans son panier se répandent sur la route...
All the fruit she was carrying in her basket spread over the road...
Naturellement, Nicolas court vers elle et lui demande si elle a besoin d'aide...
Naturally, Nicolas runs to her and asks if she needs help...


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