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The French phrase "J'en ai ras le bol" explained

We are going to show you all the things you want to know about the basic French idiom "J'en ai ras le bol". To be more precise, this includes a full explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a conversation with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added some useful informations like synonyms, slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : I'm fed up

  • Literal meaning : My bowl is full

  • Register : Informal - Basic




  • IPA : / ʒɑ̃n‿ e ʁa lə bɔl /

aesthetic french quote ras le bol

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What does it mean exactly?


It's one of the many ways to say in French, "I'm fed up / I'm sick of". It literally means: "My bowl is full".

How to use it

When something or someone makes you angry, you can use: "J'en ai ras le bol !". For example: "J'en ai ras le bol de la pluie" (I'm sick of the rain)

Plot twist: if you want to sound like a true French, use instead: "Ah putain ! J'en ai ras le bol de cette merde !" (Oh fuck! I'm fed up with this shit!)

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with slow audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

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Ce vendredi soir, Emily était avec Philippe.
This Friday night, Emily was with Philippe.
Ils dinaient ensemble.
They were having dinner together.
EmilyOn fait quelque chose ce week-end ?
J'en ai ras le bolLiterally: My bowl is full
de ne rien faire.
Let's do something this weekend? I'm fed up of doing nothing.
Philippe soupire.
Philippe sighs.
PhilippeOuais, moi aussi ! Mais qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire ?
Yeah me too! But what can we do?
Et ils commencent à réfléchir...
And they begin to think...
Mais ils avaient l'impression d'avoir déjà tout fait...
But they felt like they already did everything...
Ils ont visité tous les musées, toutes les expositions, ils ont essayé tous les bons restaurants...
They visited every museum, every exhibition, they tried all the good restaurants...
Puis Emily dit :
Then Emily says:


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