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All about the French sentence "Je suis vénère"

Ready to find out all the things you need to know about the funny phrase "Je suis vénère"? To be more specific, this includes a complete explanation of what it is and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. Together with the cool informations we added like slow pronunciation audio, synonyms, dialogue example and more!

Translation in English

  • Translation : I am angry

  • Register : Informal - Funny - Slang

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / ʒə sɥi venɛʁ /

aesthetic french quote etre venere

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What does je suis vénère mean?


It literally means:

What is this weird word "vénère"? Well, it's actually a twist of an existing word: "énervé" which means "Angry / Irritated / Pissed off".

It's twisted by a mechanism we call "verlan" which is inverting the syllables of a word to make a cool alternative version of the word. The word "verlan" itself is the "verlan" version of "(à) l'envers" which means "backwards". (ver-l'en → verlan)

So "enérvé" turned into "vé-nère" and became more and more popular. Now it's widely used among several generations, but it is still a slang word that you should avoid in formal contexts.

How to use

When something or someone makes you angry, you can use: "Je suis vénère !". For example, if you just had a car accident because someone didn't respect the traffic light, you might want to say (or yell): "Je suis vénère !".

Plot twist: if you want to sound like a true French, use instead: "Ah putain ! Je suis vénère !" (Oh fuck! I'm pissed off!)

Fun fact

Be careful with the pronunciation, because if instead of "vénère" you say "vénèré" with an extra accent on the last letter, the meaning is completely changing.

In this case what you are saying is: "I am venerated/adored/admired" which can cause some funny misunderstandings...

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Crottes de chien

Dog poops

Théo rentre chez lui, il est énervé...
Théo is going home, he's pissed off...
ThéoQuand les gens vont-ils apprendre à vivre en société ?!
When will people learn how to live in society?!
OliviaQu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé ?
What happened?
ThéoJe suis vénère !
I am angry
OliviaJe vois ça. Mais pourquoi ?
I see that. But why?
ThéoParce que certaines personnes ne respectent pas la loi !
Because some people don't respect the law!
OliviaTu peux être plus précis ?
Can you be more specific?
ThéoTu as vu toutes ces crottes de chien à l'extérieur ? Personne ne nettoie !
Did you see all the dog poops outside? Nobody cleans!
OliviaOuais, mais pourquoi tu... attends... c'est quoi cette odeur ?
Yeah, but why are you... wait... what's that smell?


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