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The French word "Désolé" explained

Ready to learn everything you need to know about the basic French word "Désolé"? To be more precise, it includes a complete guide of what it is and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. But, we also added some useful informations like slow pronunciation audio, synonym, dialogue example and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : Sorry

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

How to pronounce it?



  • IPA : / dezɔle /

aesthetic french quote etre desole

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What does désolé mean?


"Désolé" is the common way to express "Sorry" in French.

How to use it

There are many ways to express your apologies in French, which one to choose will depend on the context and how much you want to apologize. Let's break it into 4 scenarios:

1: Informal context and "normal" apologies, you can use:

2: Formal context and "normal" apologies, use:

3: Informal context and "big" apologies, use instead:

4: Formal context and "big" apologies, you can choose one of those:


↓ Example in a story with slow audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

La déclaration d'amour

The declaration of love

Joe a finalement décidé de déclarer ses sentiments à Angèle.
Joe finally decided to declare his feelings to Angèle.
Il a donc acheté un bouquet de fleurs...
So he bought a bouquet of flowers...
Puis, il est allé chez elle.
Then, he went to her place.
En chemin, il a croisé sa voisine : Isabelle.
On the way, he met his neighbor: Isabelle.
Elle l'a salué et lui a demandé s'il était disponible dans la journée...
She greeted him and asked if he was available during the day...
JoeNon, désolé. J'ai quelque chose de prévu aujourd'hui.
No, sorry. I have something planned today.
Ils ont un peu parlé, puis il est parti.
They talked a bit, then he left.


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