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Everything about the French proverb "Vraiment"

On this page, we are going to teach you everything you ever wanted to know about the basic French phrase "Vraiment ?". To be clear, this includes a complete explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a conversation with an audio example. Along with the useful informations we added like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : Really?

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / vʁɛmɑ̃ ? /

aesthetic french quote vraiment

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↓ Example in a story with translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Les lois françaises bizarres...

The weird French laws...

En France, on trouve parfois des lois très bizarres...
In France, we sometimes find some very weird laws...
Le genre de lois qui vous font dire "Vraiment ?!" ou "Sérieusement ?!"
The kind of laws that make you say: "Really?!" or "Seriously?!"
Laissez-moi vous en présenter quelques-unes.
Let me present to you a few of them.
Vous saviez peut-être déjà qu'en France il est interdit de nommer un cochon "Napoléon"...
You might already know that in France it is forbidden to name a pig "Napoleon"...
Mais saviez-vous qu'il est interdit de faire atterrir des soucoupes volantes à Châteauneuf-du-Pape ?
But did you know that it is forbidden to land flying saucers in Châteauneuf-du-Pape?
En effet, depuis 1954 c'est interdit dans cette petite ville de provence.
Indeed, since 1954 it is prohibited in this small town of Provence.


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