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Discover the French expression "Ça coûte bonbon"

Ready to discover everything you have to know about the funny expression "Ça coûte bonbon"? This include a full guide of what it is and how you can use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. And that's not all, we also added some super useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example, synonyms and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : It's expensive

  • Literal meaning : It costs candy

  • Register : Informal - Funny

How to pronounce?



  • IPA : / sa kut bɔ̃bɔ̃ /

aesthetic french quote couter bonbon

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What does ça coûte bonbon mean?


The literal meaning is:

This French expression means “It's very expensive”. Its origin isn't clear but one common theory is that “bonbon” (candy) is an image for genitals.

How to use it

Don't forget that it's a vulgar expression and you shouldn't use it in formal contexts, even though there is an even more vulgar version: "Ça coûte la peau du cul" (It costs the skin of the ass).

In case you are not sure, you can stick with the neutral way to express this idea: "Ça coûte une fortune" (It costs a fortune) or even simpler "Ça coûte très cher" (It's very expensive).

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with English translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Le prix de la crédulité

The price of credulity

Jacques arrive dans l'appartement.
Jacques arrives in the apartment.
Alice le voit. Il a l'air énervé...
Alice sees him. He seems pissed off...
JacquesJ'ai fait une erreur stupide !
I made a stupid mistake!
AliceQu'est-ce que tu as fait ?
What did you do?
JacquesJ'ai acheté le dernier MacBook Pro...
I bought the latest MacBook Pro...
ça coûte bonbonLiterally: It costs candy
But it's expensive!
JacquesOh, je sais ! Mais la vendeuse dans le magasin était si gentille avec moi.
Oh, I know! But the salesperson in the store was so nice to me.
AliceTu as dépensé autant d'argent parce que quelqu'un était gentil avec toi ?!
You spend so much money because someone was nice to you?!
JacquesEh bien, elle m'a expliqué comment...
Well, she explained to me how...


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