You are in the right place to find out everything you have to know about the basic French sentence "Je suis totalement d'accord". Including a detailed explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. And also the useful things we sprinkled like synonym, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!
Translation : I totally agree
Register : Neutral - Basic
IPA : / ʒə sɥi tɔtalmɑ̃ dakɔʁ /
The literal meaning is:
In French, to express an agreement, we use the structure: être (to be) + d'accord (in agreement) + avec (with). Contrary to English, which uses: "to have an agreement with".
No matter if you are using "Je suis d'accord avec + someone" or "Je suis d'accord avec + something" the meaning is always "I agree with". But when you use it with + someone, it can also be translated as "I have the same opinion than"
Using "Totalement" is optional, add it to emphasize the agreement if necessary.
Your mother thinks you should take an umbrella in case it will be raining, you can say "Je suis d'accord avec toi" (I agree with you / I have the same opinion as you).
Now, a politician is making a law suggestion on TV and you approve it, you can say: "Je suis d'accord avec cette proposition" (I agree with this suggestion / I approve this suggestion)
Also, if the context is clear you are not obliged to add "avec ..." (with...) after. For example: you are asked "Es-tu d'accord pour venir avec nous ?" (Do you agree to come with us?), the question is very precise, so just say: "Je suis d'accord" (I agree) or "D'accord" (Agreed / Alright).
↓ Example in a story with translation ↓
Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.
Douleur pour deux
Pain for two
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