Ready to learn all the things you have to know about the basic word "D'accord"? To be more specific, this includes a detailed guide of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. Not to mention the cool informations we sprinkled like synonyms, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!
Translation : Alright
Register : Neutral - Basic
IPA : / dakɔʁ /
In French, to express an agreement, we use the structure: être (to be) + d'accord (in agreement) + avec (with).
But when the context is clear, we tend to not say the "avec ..." (with...) part. We prefer using instead: "Je suis d'accord" (I agree) or "D'accord" (Agreed / Alright).
1) Your mother thinks you should take an umbrella in case it will be raining, you can simply say "D'accord" (I agree).
2) You are asked "Es-tu d'accord pour venir avec nous ?" (Do you agree to come with us?), the question is very precise, so just say: "Je suis d'accord" (I agree) or "D'accord" (Agreed / Alright).
3) A politician is making a law suggestion on TV and you approve it, you can say: "Je suis d'accord avec cette proposition" (I agree with this suggestion / I approve this suggestion)
Je vais voir mes amis
I'm going to meet my friends
D'accord, amuse-toi bien
Alright, have fun
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