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Everything about the French quote "C'est la rentrée"

Get prepared to find out all the things you need to know about the basic sentence "C'est la rentrée". To be more specific, it includes a detailed definition of what it is and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. Together with the useful things we sprinkled like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

Translation in English

  • Translation : It's the first day of school

  • Register : Neutral - Basic - Celebration

Pronunciation example



  • IPA : / sɛ la ʁɑ̃tʁe /

aesthetic french quote cest la rentree

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↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

La (presque) rentrée des classes

(Almost) Back to school

Violette se réveille tôt le matin.
Violette wakes up early in the morning.
Elle était heureuse, parce qu'aujourd'hui c'est la rentrée.
She was happy, because today it's back to school.
Et elle allait enfin revoir tous ses amis.
And she was finally going to see all her friends again.
Alors, elle se lève, se brosse les dents et se peigne les cheveux.
So, she gets up, brushes her teeth and combs her hair.
Puis elle enfile la robe qu'elle avait préparé la veille...
Then she puts on the dress that she had prepared the day before...
Et se dirige vers la cuisine pour prendre son petit-déjeuner.
And heads for the kitchen to have breakfast.


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Je suis totalement d'accord


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Je suis fou de joie

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