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Discover the French idiom "C'est simple comme bonjour"

We are going to teach you everything you want to know about the basic French expression "C'est simple comme bonjour". More precisely, it includes a detailed guide of what it is and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. Along with the useful informations we sprinkled like synonyms, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : It's super easy

  • Literal meaning : It's as simple as hello

  • Register : Informal - Basic




  • IPA : / sɛ sɛ̃plə kɔm bɔ̃ʒuːʁ /

aesthetic french quote simple comme bonjour

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What does it mean exactly?


What's more natural than saying "Hello" to someone? What is easier in French than the word "Bonjour"? For both questions, the answer would be "Not much".

That's why we use this comparison when talking about something very simple, easy or obvious.

How to use

Well, when it comes to using this expression: "C'est simple comme bonjour" (It's as simple as hello). 

Simply replace any mention of "It's super easy" or "It's really simple/obvious" by "C'est simple comme bonjour" and you are done.


↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Le colis disparu

The lost package

LéaÇa fait déjà quatre semaines que j'attends mon colis...
I've been waiting for my package for four weeks already...
MarcTu parles de l'aspirateur acheté sur le site web chinois ?
Are you talking about the vacuum cleaner bought on the Chinese website?
LéaOui ! Je ne l'ai toujours pas reçu.
Yes! I still didn't receive it.
MarcWow ! C'est vraiment long...
Wow! That's really long...
LéaJe sais ! Je ne commanderai plus jamais sur un site web que je ne connais pas.
I know! I will never order again from a website that I don't know.
MarcOuais, c'est trop risqué... tu as déjà payé ?
Yeah, that's too risky... have you paid already?
LéaMalheureusement oui...
Unfortunately yes...


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