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The French sentence "Je ne suis pas né de la dernière pluie"

Get ready to learn all the things you want to know about the basic French idiom "Je ne suis pas né de la dernière pluie". Including a complete guide of what it mean and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. Not to mention the cool stuff we added like synonyms, slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

Translation in English

  • Translation : I'm not a fool

  • Literal meaning : I wasn't born during the last rain

  • Register : Informal - Basic

How to pronounce it?



  • IPA : / ʒə nə sɥi pa ne də la dɛʁnjɛʁ plɥi /

aesthetic french quote pas ne de la derniere pluie

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What does it mean?


The literal meaning is:

This expression from the 20th century indicates that age and experience are an advantage. The younger you are, the more naïve you probably are. So imagine how naïve someone born during the last rain would be...

How to use

If someone underestimates your experience or tries to scam you, use this expression to remind them that you are not a fool.

For example, if someone tells you: "Donnez-moi tout votre argent. Je vous rendrai le double, c'est promis !" (Give me all your money. I will give you back double, I promise!)

It's probably a good idea to say: "Non. Je ne suis pas né(e) de la dernière pluie." (No. I'm not a fool.)

Fun fact

There are many similar French expressions as you will see in the next section. My favorite is the one with the monkey, and you?

Synonyms / Related

And also...

↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

En route pour la France

On the way to France

Joe a toujours été fasciné par la France : son histoire, sa culture, la langue française et, bien sûr, la cuisine française.
Joe has always been fascinated by France: its history, its culture, the French language and, of course, French cuisine.
Il a donc toujours rêvé de visiter la France.
So he has always dreamed of visiting France.
Et le grand jour est enfin arrivé ! Joe a décidé de partir à Paris pour quelques mois.
And the big day has finally arrived! Joe decided to go to Paris for a few months.
Pendant le vol, il observe avec excitation les paysages.
During the flight, he observes the landscapes with excitement.
Et il se rappelle soudain avoir lu que l'aéroport de Paris Charles de Gaulle est envahi par des lapins.
And he suddenly remembers having read that Paris Charles de Gaulle airport is invaded by rabbits.


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