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The French phrase "Il pleut des cordes"

Get ready to discover all the things you ever wanted to know about the funny French idiom "Il pleut des cordes". Including a detailed guide of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. Not to mention the cool stuff we sprinkled like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonyms and more!

French to English

  • Translation : It's raining a lot

  • Literal meaning : It's raining ropes

  • Register : Informal - Funny

How to pronounce?



  • IPA : / il plø de kɔʁd /

aesthetic french quote pleuvoir des cordes

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What does it mean?


This expression means "It's raining a lot / heavily" and literally means: "It's raining ropes."

Why "ropes"? Because of the visual effect of drops of water falling very close to each other, looking like ropes falling from the sky.

How to use

Instead of saying "Il pleut beaucoup" (It's raining a lot), you can use the expression "Il pleut des cordes" (It's raining ropes) or even "Il pleut comme vache qui pisse" (It's raining like a peeing cow) to make it funnier.

But be careful, the last isn't appropriate for formal contexts, typically at work.

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Une journée à ne rien faire

A day of doing nothing

C'est dimanche, Emily et Philippe prennent le petit déjeuner...
It's Sunday, Emily and Philippe are having breakfast...
Ils discutent de ce qu'ils vont faire aujourd'hui.
They are discussing what they will do today.
EmilyPourquoi pas aller à l'exposition de sculptures que tu voulais visiter ?
Why not going to the sculpture exhibition that you wanted to visit?
PhilippeC'est dehors et
il pleut des cordesLiterally: It's raining ropes
. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée.
It's outside and it's raining a lot. I don't think it's a good idea.
EmilyC'est vrai...
That's true...
Ils continuent de réfléchir...
They keep thinking...
Et finalement, ils décident de passer la journée... à ne rien faire de spécial.
Finally, they decide to spend the day... doing nothing special.


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