You are in the right place to find out everything you need to know about the basic sentence "D'où venez-vous ?". It includes a detailed guide of what it is and how to use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. And also the cool things we added like synonym, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!
Translation : Where are you from?
Register : Formal - Basic
IPA : / du vənevu ? /
The literal meaning is:
This is the classic and neutral way to ask someone: "Where are you from?" in French, but you can also use "Vous venez d'où ?". The informal version is "T'es d'où ?".
If someone asks you: "D'où venez-vous ?" you can answer with "Je viens du Brésil, et vous ?" (I'm from Brazil, and you?)
Or you can simply start by asking: "Tu viens d'où ?".
Note that the precise meaning can depend on context. If French people meet each other, this question means "Which city/region are you from in France?" but when one of the people isn't French it will mean "Which country are you from?".
Plus, this question can sometimes be painful when you are born somewhere, but grew up somewhere else and are even currently living somewhere else...
In this case, you have to decide which one represents you the most. And if you don't know, you can always say: "Je suis un citoyen du monde !" (I'm a citizen of the world!)
The informal version "T'es d'où ?" sounds exactly like "T'es doux ?" which means "Are you sweet/gentle?". So don't be surprised if sometimes French people are having fun, answering you "Oui" with a smile.
↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓
Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.
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