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All about the French quote "Je vais bien merci"

On this page, we are going to explain you all the things you ever wanted to know about the basic phrase "Je vais bien, merci". This include a complete guide of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. And also the useful things we added like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

English translation

  • Translation : I'm fine, thanks

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

How to pronounce?



  • IPA : / ʒə vɛ bjɛ̃, mɛʁsi /

aesthetic french quote je vais bien merci

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↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

L'intoxication alimentaire

The food poisoning

Aujourd'hui, Emily et Philippe ont décidé de visiter une exposition.
Today, Emily and Philippe decided to visit an exhibition.
La veille, Philippe a mangé du saumon avec du riz, sans regarder la date d'expiration du poisson.
The day before, Philippe ate salmon with rice, without looking at the expiration date of the fish.
Il a donc passé une très mauvaise nuit...
So, he had a very bad night...
Mais il a décidé de quand même tenir sa promesse et d'accompagner Emily à l'exposition...
But he decided to still keep his promise and go to the exhibit with Emily...
Quand il arrive, Emily voit sur son visage que quelque chose ne va pas...
When he arrives, Emily sees on his face that something is wrong...


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Je suis content pour toi

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