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The French sentence "Je veux un été infini"

Get prepared to find out all the things you have to know about the basic phrase "Je veux un été infini". It includes a complete definition of what it is and how to use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added some useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example, synonyms and more!

English translation

  • Translation : I want an endless summer

  • Register : Informal - Basic - Seasonal

How to pronounce it



  • IPA : / ʒə vø ɛ̃n- ete ɛ̃fini /

aesthetic french quote veux ete infini

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What does it mean exactly?


It literally means:

When the spring is over and summer finally shows up, Paris turns into a whole new city and you can see how people are happy with this weather.

In this kind of moment "Je veux un été infini" (I want an infinite summer) is typically the kind of thing you want to say. Because you don't want this pleasant atmosphere to disappear...

How to use it

Use this sentence to share with your relatives and friends how you feel about this wonderful weather and how happy it makes you feel. Simply say: "Je veux un été infini !" and most of the time people will answer: "Moi aussi !" (Me too!).


↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

L'été commence

Summer begins

Rémi va à la fenêtre et soupire...
Rémi goes to the window and sighs...
RémiRegarde ce temps ! C'est parfait !
Look at this weather! It's perfect!
KarineOui, je trouve aussi !
Yes, I think so too!
RémiQuand il fait beau comme ça, je suis plein d'énergie !
When the weather is nice like this, I am full of energy!
KarinePareil pour moi !
Same for me!
RémiTu sais à quoi ça me fait penser ?
Do you know what it makes me think?
KarineNon, je ne sais pas. Dis-moi.
No, I don't know. Tell me.
RémiQue je veux un été infini !
That I want an endless summer!
KarineOh oui, ça serait génial...
Oh yes, that would be awesome...


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