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Discover the French sentence "Loin des yeux loin du cœur"

Get ready to discover everything you ever wanted to know about the romantic saying "Loin des yeux, loin du cœur". Including a detailed definition of what it is and how to use it in a conversation with an audio example. Together with the useful things we added like slow pronunciation audio, literal meaning, dialogue example and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : Out of sight, out of mind

  • Literal meaning : Far from the eyes, far from the heart

  • Register : Neutral - Romantic

Pronunciation guide



  • IPA : / lwɛ̃ dez‿ jø, lwɛ̃ dy kœʁ /

aesthetic french quote loin des yeux loin du coeur

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What does it mean?


The literal meaning is:

This proverb has Latin roots (from a poem by Properce, 1st century BC) and is very similar to the English one "Out of sight, out of mind". It says that the distance between two people weakens the affection they have for each other.

How to use

Use it as general wisdom. For example, if a friend is telling you about the troubles of his/her long distance relationship, you can say: "Loin des yeux, loin du coeur." (Far from the eyes, far from the heart)

Fun stuff

There aren't any popular synonyms, but weirdly, there is an antonym: "Loin des yeux, près du coeur" (Far from the eyes, close to the heart)

It means that even if you are far from someone you love, the feelings are still strong. Which one do you think is true?

↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Fantômes du passé

Ghosts of the past

Quand Brigitte a un dilemme, elle demande toujours conseil à son frère, Nicolas.
When Brigitte has a dilemma, she always asks advice to her brother, Nicolas.
C'était le cas aujourd'hui, alors elle l'appelle et lui demande s'il était disponible.
That was the case today, so she calls him and asks if he was available.
Nicolas était inquiet, il sentait au ton de sa voix que Brigitte voulait parler d'un sujet important...
Nicolas was concerned, he felt in her voice that Brigitte wanted to talk about an important topic...
Lors de leur rencontre, Nicolas remarque que Brigitte est stressée.
During their meeting, Nicolas notices that Brigitte is stressed.
NicolasSalut, comment ça va ?
Hi, how are you?


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