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Everything about the French word "Enchanté"

We are going to show you everything you have to know about the basic French word "Enchanté". To be clear, it includes a full guide of what it is and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added some super useful stuff like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonyms and more!

French to English

  • Translation : Nice to meet you

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

How to pronounce



  • IPA : / ɑ̃ʃɑ̃te /

aesthetic french quote enchante

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What does enchanté mean?


"Enchanté(e)" is the most common way to say "Nice to meet you" in French. It's the short version of "Enchanté(e) de vous rencontrer".

How to use

You can use it the same way you would use "Nice to meet you" English.

But, if you are a man, it's "Enchanté" and if you are a woman, it's "Enchantée" with an extra -e. (Don't worry, the pronunciation is the same)

Also, if the context requires you to be formal, you can use instead: "Ravi(e) de vous rencontrer" or any of the formal synonyms below.


↓ Example in a story with slow audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Jogging matinal

Morning jogging

Un matin, Brigitte est partie courir.
One morning, Brigitte went running.
Elle courait au bord de la mer, quand soudain, un homme l'a dépassée.
She was running by the sea, when suddenly a man passed next to her...
Il la regarde, sourit et lui dit...
He looks at her, smiles and says...
PierreSalut !
Il était grand, avec des yeux foncés et des cheveux blonds.
He was tall, with dark eyes and blond hair.
PierreDésolé de vous embêter, mais ce n'est pas la première fois que je vous vois courir ici le matin. J'ai pensé qu'on pourrait courir ensemble.
Sorry to bother you, but this is not the first time that I see you running here in the morning. I thought we could run together.
BrigitteJe vous ai déjà vu quelques fois aussi. Je m'appelle Brigitte.
I've seen you a few times too. My name is Brigitte.


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Je m'appelle…

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