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The French expression "Tu as le cul bordé de nouilles"

Get prepared to learn all the things you ever wanted to know about the funny idiom "Tu as le cul bordé de nouilles". To be more precise, it includes a full explanation of what it mean and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. Plus, we also added some super useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, synonyms, dialogue example and more!

French to English

  • Translation : You are incredibly lucky

  • Literal meaning : Your ass is full of noodles

  • Register : Informal - Funny

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / ty a lə ky bɔʁde də nuj /

aesthetic french quote cul borde de nouilles

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What does it mean?


Many languages have expressions associating the ass with luck, such as Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, for example: "Ter o cú virado prá lua" (To have the ass oriented toward the moon) means "To be lucky" in Portuguese.

(Please don't do that at home.)

Now back to our French expression, it's a popular variation of "Avoir du cul" (To have some ass) which means "To be lucky".

Unfortunately, the precise origins of this variation are unknown. The classic explanation is that having a belly full of noodles is a sign of prosperity and luck. That's why they mixed it with the original idiom.

How to use

Obviously, this is highly familiar and vulgar, so don't use it at work or in any formal situation.

Let's imagine the context allows you to say such things and you are talking with someone telling you an anecdote where he/she got super lucky. Then you can say: "Tu as vraiment le cul bordé de nouilles !" (Your ass is really full of noodles!).


↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Jeu de hasard

Game of chance

Rémi et Karine regardent une émission à la télé.
Rémi and Karine are watching a TV show.
KarineEncore de la publicité... C'est tellement pénible !
Advertisement again... It's so annoying!
RémiOuais... Oh, regarde ! On peut gagner mille euros en envoyant un SMS.
Yeah... Oh, look! We can win a thousand euros by sending a text message.
KarineC'est une arnaque, tu ne gagneras pas.
This is a scam, you won't win.
RémiJe vais essayer, on ne sait jamais !
I'll try, we never know!
KarineComme tu veux.
As you want.
Rémi envoie le message...
Rémi sends the message...
À la fin de l'émission, Karine demande à Rémi.
At the end of the show Karine asks Rémi.
KarineAlors ? Tu as gagné ?
So? You won?


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