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The French word "Couci-couça" revealed

Are you ready to discover everything you ever wanted to know about the funny French word "Couci-couça"? It includes a complete explanation of what it is and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. And because we want to help you on your learning journey, we also added some useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, synonym, dialogue example and more!

English translation

  • Translation : So-so

  • Register : Informal - Funny

Pronunciation example



  • IPA : / kusikusa /

aesthetic french quote couci couca

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What does couci-couça mean?


It's a funny way for French people to say "So-so". And it's very similar to another French expression with the same meaning "Comme-ci comme ça".

How to use it

It's useful when someone asks for your opinion, but you don't have a firm point of view on the topic. When you can't (or don't want to) decide between "It's lame" and " It's amazing". It's a very neutral answer.

For example, you are asked: "Tu aimes ma nouvelle coiffure ?" (Do you like my new haircut?) But if you have mixed feelings about it, then you can say: "Couci-couça" or "Comme-ci comme-ça" (So-so).

Fun stuff

Where is this coming from? To find the answer, we need to travel to... Italy!

In Italian: "Così così" means "So-so", then French people started to use something similar: "Couci-couci", which became with time: "Couci-couça". That's already far-fetched, right? But wait! That's not over!

"Couci-couça" is an expression made of words that doesn't exist in French ("Couci" and "Couça"). But it does sound a lot like words we actually use... Comme... ci... comme... ça !

Boom. This is how you create an expression!

N.B. Nowadays, you can still use "Couci-couça" but "Couci-couci" disappeared.

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with English translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Accro au shopping

Shopping addict

Le printemps approchait, donc Emily décide de faire un peu de shopping.
Spring was coming, so Emily decides to do some shopping.
Elle propose à Philippe de l'accompagner.
She proposes Philippe to accompany her.
Philippe n'a jamais été un grand fan du shopping.
Philippe had never been a huge fan of shopping.
C'était même tout le contraire...
It was quite the opposite...
Il ne comprenait pas pourquoi les gens aimaient ça autant...
He didn't understand why people liked that so much...
Mais il accepte quand même pour faire plaisir à Emily.
But he accepts anyway to please Emily.
Emily, contrairement à Philippe, adorait le shopping.
Emily, unlike Philippe, loved shopping.
C'était pour elle un passe-temps relaxant et agréable, un peu comme une méditation...
For her it was a relaxing and nice hobby, a bit like a meditation...


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