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All about the French sentence "C'est la vérité"

You are going to learn all the things you want to know about the basic French sentence "C'est la vérité". It includes a detailed explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. Together with the cool things we added like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : That's the truth

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

Pronunciation example



  • IPA : / sɛ la veʁite /

aesthetic french quote cest la verite

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↓ Example in a story with slow audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Relations à distance...

Long-distance relationships...

Brigitte et Pierre avaient un appel vidéo, comme d'habitude.
Brigitte and Pierre were having a video call, as usual.
Mais ce soir-là, pour une raison inconnue, Pierre trouvait Brigitte encore plus belle que d'habitude...
But that evening, for some reason, Pierre found Brigitte even more beautiful than usual...
Alors il lui dit...
Then he says to her...
PierreTu es vraiment splendide aujourd'hui !
You're really gorgeous today!
Brigitte répond maladroitement...
Brigitte answers awkwardly...
BrigitteOh arrête... Je n'ai même pas eu le temps de me maquiller aujourd'hui !
Oh stop it... I didn't even have time to do my makeup today!
PierreMais c'est la vérité ! Tu es vraiment belle.
But that's the truth! You are really beautiful.


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Je suis complètement d'accord avec toi


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