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All about the French quote "Ça va me manquer"

You are in the right place to learn everything you need to know about the basic French sentence "Ça va me manquer". To be more specific, this includes a detailed explanation of what it is and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. But, we also added some useful things like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : I will miss that

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

Pronunciation example



  • IPA : / sa va mə mɑ̃ke /

aesthetic french quote ca va me manquer

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↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Le dernier jour des vacances

The last day of vacation

C'était le dernier jour des vacances d'été pour Brigitte et Nicolas.
It was the last day of summer vacation for Brigitte and Nicolas.
Ils voulaient faire quelque chose de spécial pour ce jour-là.
They wanted to do something special for that day.
Brigitte a suggéré de se promener et se détendre sur la plage.
Brigitte suggested to walk around and relax on the beach.
Nicolas a beaucoup aimé cette idée...
Nicolas liked this idea a lot...
NicolasExcellente idée, Brigitte !
Excellent idea, Brigitte!
Ils ont préparé leur sac avec quelques fruits, quatre sandwichs, deux bouteilles d'eau et sont partis.
They prepared their bag with some fruits, four sandwiches, two bottles of water and left.
La journée était belle, il faisait beau et chaud, mais pas trop, et avec une brise agréable.
The day was beautiful, it was sunny and warm, but not too much, and with a pleasant breeze.


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