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Everything about the French sentence "Bonne chance"

On this page, we are going to explain you all the things you need to know about the basic French sentence "Bonne chance". To be more precise, this includes a full explanation of what it is and how to use it in a conversation with an audio example. Plus, we also added some super useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, synonyms, dialogue example and more!

English translation

  • Translation : Good luck

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

How to pronounce?



  • IPA : / bɔn ʃɑ̃s /

aesthetic french quote bonne chance

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Bonne chance meaning


This is the best way to say "Good luck" in French, but people confuse it often with "Bon courage" which means "Hang in there/Be strong".

"Bonne chance" expresses the wish of good fortune for someone who is trying to achieve something that relies on luck or external factors.

In case you want to encourage someone on a task that doesn't rely on luck but on hard work/dedication, use instead: "Bon courage !" (Hang in there!)

Also, "Chance" is a feminine word, so it is never correct to say "Bon chance" as we see quite often.

How to use

Example: A friend of yours recently made an investment and hopes to earn a lot of money from it. Wish him: "Bonne chance" because how much money he will earn doesn't depend on him anymore, but mostly on luck.

Your friend finally changed his mind. He now plans to build a house and sell it to make profit. This time you wish him "Bon courage" because the success of his plan depends on hard work and courage!

Fun stuff

French people have another way to say "Good luck" and it's... "Merde".

And yes, it means "Shit". Where is this coming from?

During the 19th century, very rich people were using horse-drawn carriages to go to the theater. All these horses waiting outside were "relieving themselves" a.k.a. pooping on the street. And people were walking on it and then soiling the theater's carpet.

So, the more exceptional artists are, the more famous the play became, the more rich people came, the more shit on the floor.

Then, with time, a floor full of crap became a sign of success and of good luck.

In case you are afraid that people might think you are swearing, you can say: "Je te dis merde !" which literally means "I am telling/wishing you shit!". Then people will 100% understand that you are wishing them "Good luck".

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Le billet de loterie

The lottery ticket

AliceOh regarde, un billet de loterie !
Oh look, a lottery ticket!
JacquesAh ouais ! Quelqu'un doit l'avoir perdu...
Oh yeah! Someone must have lost it...
AliceOui, et il n'a pas été utilisé...
Yes, and it hasn't been used...
JacquesTu vas le prendre ?
Are you going to take it?
AliceOui, pourquoi pas ? Je vais peut-être gagner le jackpot !
Yes, why not? Maybe I will win the jackpot!
JacquesHaha, bien sûr...
Haha, of course...
AliceTu ne rigoleras plus quand je serai riche !
You'll stop laughing when I'll be rich!
JacquesOn verra, bonne chance !
We'll see, good luck!
Le soir même...
That evening...


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