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The French saying "En avril ne te découvre pas d'un fil"

We are going to show you everything you need to know about the basic proverb "En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil". More precisely, this includes a detailed guide of what it mean and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. But, we also added some useful informations like slow pronunciation audio, literal meaning, dialogue example and more!

English translation

  • Translation : Don't trust warm weather in April

  • Literal meaning : In April, don't remove a thread of your clothing

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

How to pronounce?



  • IPA : / ɑ̃n‿ avʁil, nə tə dekuvʁə pa dɛ̃ fil /

aesthetic french quote avril ne te decouvre pas dun fil

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What does it mean exactly?


It literally means:

This proverb reminds us to not be too optimistic when the good weather arrives (generally in April in France) and risk being ill by exposing ourselves too much.

That's why the second part of the proverb is "En mai, fais ce qu'il te plaît."(In May, do what you like). It advises us to wait for May to really enjoy the spring.

And there is even a third part: "En juin, de trois habits n'en garde qu'un." (In June, of the three clothes, only one). But it's less commonly used.

How to use

If someone you know is a bit too optimistic in his/her choice of clothes during the beginning of spring, remind this person to be careful. For that simply use: "En avril ne te découvre pas d'un fil."

↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Le piège du printemps

The spring trap

Jacques tousse...
Jacques coughs...
AliceJacques ? Ça va ?
Jacques? Are you ok?
JacquesOuais, ça va. Je tousse juste un peu.
Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just coughing a little.
AliceTu es malade ?
Are you sick?
JacquesJe ne suis pas sûr.
I'm not sure.
AliceTu as d'autres symptômes ?
Do you have any other symptoms?
JacquesJ'ai mal à la gorge et j'ai le nez qui coule.
I have a sore throat and a runny nose.
AliceAlors tu es certainement malade. Pourtant tu t'habilles toujours chaudement...
Then you are certainly sick. Yet you always dress warmly...
JacquesPas hier... Il faisait soleil, alors je suis sorti en T-shirt.
Not yesterday... It was sunny, so I went out in a T-shirt.
AliceMais tu connais le proverbe ! En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un fil !
But you know the proverb! Don't trust warm weather in April!


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