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Everything about the French idiom "J'ai la pêche"

We are going to teach you everything you have to know about the funny idiom "J'ai la pêche". It includes a complete guide of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. As well as the useful things we added like synonym, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English

  • Translation : I feel great

  • Literal meaning : I have the peach

  • Register : Informal - Funny




  • IPA : / ʒe la pɛʃ /

aesthetic french quote avoir la peche

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J'ai la pêche meaning


The most common explanation for the origin of this idiom bring us to... China. There, peaches are a symbol of health, fecundity and immortality. 

Then, when we feel full of energy, what a better image than using this fruit to say so?

How to use it

Whenever someone asks you how you feel and you feel super good, you can use: "J'ai la pêche !" (I feel great!).

A more conversation friendly way would be "Aujoud'hui, j'ai la pêche ! Et toi ?" (Today I feel great! And you?).

And don't forget that this is a familiar expression, not fitted to most work environments. In this case you should use instead: "Je suis en pleine forme" (I feel great).

Funny stuff

You don't like peaches? No worries, you can replace it by "Patate" (Potato) or even by "Frite" (French fry).

You can also replace it by "Banane" (Banana) but in this case the meaning is slightly different. 

In fact, the "banana variation" is more about being smiling (because bananas are smile-shaped) than being full of energy. Even though most of the time these things are linked...

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Comment arrêter de procrastiner

How to stop procrastinating

Alice entre dans la cuisine. Elle a l'air terriblement fatiguée...
Alice walks into the kitchen. She looks terribly tired...
JacquesWow, Alice, tu vas bien ?
Wow, Alice, are you okay?
AlicePas vraiment. C'est si évident que ça ?
Not really. Is it that obvious?
JacquesOui, honnêtement, tu as l'air très fatiguée.
Yes, honestly, you look very tired.
AliceC'est normal, je n'ai pas dormi de la nuit et j'ai encore du travail à faire.
That's normal, I didn't sleep all night and I still have work to do.
JacquesToute la nuit ?! Tu es folle ?!
All night?! Are you crazy?!
AliceNon, mais je suis stupide. J'ai trop procrastiné sur une tâche importante et maintenant je le paie.
No, but I'm stupid. I procrastinated too much on an important task and now I'm paying for it.
JacquesQuand est la date limite ?
When is the deadline?


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