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All about the French sentence "Tu vois ce que je veux dire"

You are in the right place to find out all the things you want to know about the basic phrase "Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?". It includes a complete definition of what it mean and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. And because we want to help you on your learning journey, we also added some useful informations like synonyms, dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : You know what I mean?

  • Register : Informal - Basic

How to pronounce it?



  • IPA : / ty vwa sə kə ʒə vø diʁ ? /

aesthetic french quote vois ce que je veux dire

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What does it mean exactly?


It literally means:

Use it as a question when you want to be sure that there is no misunderstanding and that the other person understood clearly what you said/meant.

But you can also use it as an affirmation, if you think you don't have to finish your sentence to make the other person understand what you have in mind.

How to use

Example 1: you are trying to explain to your mother how the internet works. But she seems confused and you want to be sure she is still following your explanations, so you ask: "Tu vois ce que je veux dire?". (You understood what I said?)

Example 2: you are talking with a good friend about someone that you both don't appreciate like: "Elle est tellement... tu vois ce que je veux dire..." (She is so... you know what I mean...)

Fun stuff

If you feel that you don't even have to say anything to be understood, you can use "Tu penses à ce que je pense ?" (Are you thinking about what I am thinking?)

You can use it with people you have a strong complicity with, typically a lover/best friend/etc.

Synonyms / Related

↓ Example in a story with English translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.



MarcSalut Léa ! Comment ça va ?
Hi Léa! How are you?
LéaSalut Marc ! Je vais bien, et toi ?
Hi Marc! I'm fine and you?
MarcJe vais bien, merci ! Comment s'est passé ton week-end ?
I'm fine, thank you! How was your weekend?
LéaSuper ! Je suis allée au cinéma avec ma meilleure amie.
Great! I went to the movies with my best friend.
MarcVraiment ? C'est génial ! Quel film vous avez regardé ?
Really? That's awesome! What movie did you watch?
LéaÇa s'appelle "Kaamelott". Un super film ! Tu dois le regarder !
It's called "Kaamelott". A great movie! You have to watch it!
MarcOk, merci. Je le regarderai.
Ok, thank you. I will watch it.
LéaEt c'est à peu près tout. Et toi ?
And that's about it. And you?


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