You are going to learn all the things you need to know about the basic French phrase "Tu t'attendais à quoi ?". Including a complete definition of what it is and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. Along with the useful stuff we added like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example, synonym and more!
Translation : What did you expect?
Register : Informal - Basic
IPA : / ty tatɑ̃dɛ a kwa ? /
The literal meaning is:
This is the French translation of the famous sentence "What did you expect?". You can use it exactly like the English version, typically when someone seems to have too much expectations about something and you want to know what he/she was expecting.
Let's see some examples now!
Example: you offer a gift to your brother and he seems disappointed, you can ask: "Tu t'attendais à quoi ?" (What did you expect?).
Another scenario: you are talking about your new crush with someone and he/she realizes it's not him/her. Once again, you can ask: "Tu t'attendais à quoi ?".
This sentence became popular after a famous beverage brand used it as a catchphrase in their advertisements.
↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓
Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.
Attentes vs. Réalité
Expectations vs. Reality
The story just started!
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