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The French phrase "Tu me rends heureux" revealed

Get prepared to discover all the things you have to know about the romantic sentence "Tu me rends heureux". It includes a full explanation of what it is and how you can use it in everyday life with an audio example. And because we want to help you on your learning journey, we also added some useful stuff like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

English translation

  • Translation : You make me happy

  • Register : Neutral - Romantic

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / ty mə ʁɑ̃ øʁø /

aesthetic french quote tu me rends heureux

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↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Le bonheur d'être ensemble

The happiness of being together

Brigitte a décidé d'aller voir Pierre pour le week-end dans le sud de la France.
Brigitte decided to visit Pierre for the weekend in the south of France.
Ensemble, ils ont passé deux jours merveilleux.
Together, they spent two wonderful days.
Ils ont fait tellement de choses !
They have done so many things!
Ils ont marché dans la ville, fait un pique-nique sur la plage, fait un dîner romantique, etc.
They walked in the city, had a picnic on the beach, had a romantic dinner, etc.
Ils étaient tous deux extrêmement heureux de finalement se voir en vrai, et pas au téléphone...
They were both extremely pleased to finally see each other for real, and not on the phone...
Enfin, ils pouvaient se faire des câlins, s'embrasser, se caresser et se regarder dans les yeux...
Finally, they could cuddle, kiss, caress and look each other in the eyes...


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Je suis fou de toi


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Est-ce que tu m'aimes ?

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