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All about the French sentence "Tu devrais avoir honte"

On this page, we are going to explain you everything you want to know about the basic phrase "Tu devrais avoir honte". To be clear, it includes a complete explanation of what it is and how you can use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. And also the useful things we sprinkled like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English

  • Translation : You should be ashamed

  • Register : Neutral - Basic




  • IPA : / ty dəvʁɛ avwaʁ‿ ɔ̃t /

aesthetic french quote tu devrais avoir honte

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↓ Example in a story with French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Une visite surprise

A surprise visit

Alice rentre chez elle plus tôt que d'habitude...
Alice comes back home earlier than usual...
En arrivant, elle découvre quelque chose de curieux...
When she arrives, she discovers something curious...
Elle voit Jacques en caleçon qui prépare à manger.
She sees Jacques in his underwear preparing food.
Et une seconde après, il pète !
And a second later, he farts!
AliceSérieusement ?!
Jacques se retourne brusquement, surpris.
Jacques turns around suddenly, surprised.
JacquesPourquoi tu es rentrée si tôt ?!
Why did you come home so early?!
AliceCe n'est pas toi qui pose les questions ! Tu devrais avoir honte ! Et si j'étais venue avec une amie ?
You're not the one asking the questions! You should be ashamed! What if I came with a friend?
JacquesTu aurais pû me prévenir que tu rentrais si tôt...
You could have warned me that you were coming home so early...


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