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Discover the French quote "Je te tiens au courant"

You are in the right place to discover all the things you ever wanted to know about the basic French sentence "Je te tiens au courant". To be more specific, it includes a complete guide of what it is and how you can use it in everyday life with an audio example. As well as the useful stuff we added like slow pronunciation audio, synonym, dialogue example and more!

English translation

  • Translation : I'll keep you informed

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

How to pronounce it



  • IPA : / ʒə tə tjɛ̃ o kuʁɑ̃ /

aesthetic french quote je te tiens au courant

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What does it mean exactly?


The literal meaning is:

This expression can be translated in English as "I will keep you posted/updated/informed." or even "I'll let you know."

It appeared during the 18th century and it basically comes from "Tenir au courant des affaires" which means "To know the streams of business". Then, it took the broader meaning of "keep informed".

How to use

A colleague wants an update about your work, but you haven't finished yet.

Then you can say "Je te tiens au courant" (I'll keep you informed). And your colleague would probably answer: "Ok, tiens moi au courant" (Ok, keep me informed)

Also, for a more formal version you can use "Je te tiens informé(e)" and for a more informal version "Je te tiens au jus".


↓ Example in a story with translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Un appel du bureau

A call from the office

Un jour, Nicolas reçoit un appel de son patron, Sylvie.
One day, Nicolas receives a call from his boss, Sylvie.
SylvieBonjour, Nicolas ?
Hello Nicolas?
NicolasBonjour Sylvie. Oui, je vous écoute.
Hello Sylvie. Yes, I'm listening.
SylvieDésolé de vous déranger pendant vos vacances. Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour un événement le mois prochain. Serez-vous disponible ?
Sorry to bother you during your vacation. We need your help for an event next month. Will you be available?
NicolasPas de soucis. Quel événement ?
No problem. Which event?
SylvieC'est pour un shooting photo à la Paris Fashion Week.
It's a photoshoot at the Paris Fashion Week.
NicolasJ'ai déjà beaucoup de choses à faire le mois prochain, j'ai besoin d'y réfléchir.
I have many things to do next month, I need to think about it.


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