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The French quote "Je ne me sens pas bien" revealed

On this page, we are going to teach you all the things you want to know about the basic French sentence "Je ne me sens pas bien". More precisely, it includes a complete explanation of what it is and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. Along with the cool informations we sprinkled like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

English translation

  • Translation : I don't feel good

  • Register : Neutral - Basic

Pronunciation guide



  • IPA : / ʒə nə mə sɑ̃s pa bjɛ̃ /

aesthetic french quote je ne me sens pas bien

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↓ Example in a story with translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Comment propager un virus

How to spread a virus

Un matin d'automne, Emily appelle Philippe.
One autumn morning, Emily calls Philippe.
Philippe répond et Emily entend une voix rauque et faible...
Philippe answers and Emily hears a hoarse and weak voice...
Au début, elle croit avoir appelé le mauvais numéro. Mais après vérification, c'est bien Philippe...
At first she thinks she called the wrong number. But after checking, it's indeed Philippe...
EmilyPhilippe ?
Il tousse.
He coughs.
EmilyPhilippe, c'est toi ?
Philippe, is that you?
PhilippeOui. C'est moi...
Yes. It's me...
EmilyQu'est-ce qu'il t'arrive ?
What's happening to you?
PhilippeJe ne me sens pas bien. Je pense que j'ai la grippe ou quelque chose comme ça...
I don't feel good. I think I have the flu or something like that...


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