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All about the French sentence "Ça te va super bien"

Are you ready to discover all the things you ever wanted to know about the romantic sentence "Ça te va super bien"? It includes a detailed definition of what it is and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added some useful informations like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

English translation

  • Translation : It suits you very well

  • Register : Informal - Romantic

How to pronounce



  • IPA : / sa tə va sypɛʁ bjɛ̃ /

aesthetic french quote ca te va bien

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↓ Example in a story with translation ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

La robe de mariée

The wedding dress

Un jour, Karine trouve sa vieille robe de mariée.
One day, Karine finds her old wedding dress.
Elle la met et va dans le salon pour la montrer à Rémi.
She puts it on and goes into the living room to show it to Rémi.
Rémi la voit et reste bouche bée...
Rémi sees her and is speechless...
RémiAh ! Elle te va toujours !
Ah! It still suits you!
KarineMerci ! Attends... qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "elle te va toujours" ?
Thank you! Wait... what do you mean by "it still suits you"?
Rémi sait qu'il doit faire très très attention aux mots qu'il choisit...
Rémi knows he has to be very very careful with the words he chooses...
RémiEuh, je veux dire que ça te va super bien !
Uh, I mean that it suits you very well!


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Tu es la meilleure chose qui me soit arrivée


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Tu es rayonnante

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