Get prepared to discover everything you want to know about the basic expression "Ça te chauffe ?". It includes a detailed explanation of what it is and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added super useful stuff like slow pronunciation audio, synonym, dialogue example and more!
Translation : Up for it?
Literal meaning : Does it warm you up?
Register : Informal - Basic
IPA : / sa tə ʃof ? /
This expression means "Does it warm you up?" and is commonly used in informal contexts to express: "Are you up for it?" or "Would you like to do it?". It's basically an informal way to invite people to do something with you.
N.B. use this expression in informal contexts only. For more formal contexts, use instead: "Ça te dit ?" or "Ça vous dit ?". Now let's see some examples...
To use it, add "Ça te chauffe ?" after the sentence describing your plans. This way you'll make the invitation clear, without being pushy. For example: "On va à la montagne ce weekend, ça te chauffe?" (We are going to the mountains this weekend, up for it?).
For the plural form, use "Ça vous chauffe ?" instead.
If someone asks you "Ça te chauffe ?" You can answer with classic answers like "oui" or "non" (yes or no) but you can also answer with something more familiar: "Oui, je suis chaud !" (Yes, I'm up for it!) or "Non, je ne suis pas chaud." (No, I don't want to do this).
You can also use the conditional, which makes the question softer and more open: "Ça te chaufferait ?" (Would you be up for it?)
Je vais au restaurant, ça te chauffe ?
I'm going to the restaurant, does it warm you up?*
Peut-être, je vais y réfléchir
Maybe, I will think about it
Ok, do whatever you want
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