Emily a passé toute la journée à chercher sa clef USB perdue.
Emily spent the whole day looking for her lost USB key.
C'était très important, car toutes ses leçons étaient dessus.
It was very important, because all her lessons were on it.
Elle cherche partout, mais ne la trouve pas...
She searches everywhere, but couldn't find it...
Puis, le soir, elle décide d'appeler Philippe pour lui demander s'il avait la clef USB.
Then, in the evening, she decides to call Philippe to ask him if he had the USB key.
EmilyTu as vu ma clef USB ?
Have you seen my USB key?
Il hésite quelques secondes et dit :
He hesitates for few seconds and says:
PhilippeJe ne crois pas, pourquoi ?
I don't think so, why?
Elle pousse un soupir de tristesse. Et elle explique qu'elle avait des fichiers très importants dessus.
She sighs sadly. And she explains that she had some very important files on it.
PhilippeLa grise ?
The gray one?
EmilyNon, celle en forme de lapin.
No, the one shaped like a rabbit.
Alors, il se rappelle qu'il avait utilisé cette clef USB récemment...
Then he remembers that he had recently used this USB key...
Mais il ne se souvenait pas où il l'avait mise après...
But he didn't remember where he had put it after...
PhilippeTu sais quoi ?
La nuit porte conseilLiterally: The night brings advice
. On verra demain.
You know what? Sleep on it. We will see tomorrow.
EmilyTu as raison, je suis tellement fatiguée...
You're right, I'm so tired...
Ensuite, après l'appel, il commence à chercher dans son appartement...
Then, after the call, he starts looking in his apartment...
Il cherche pendant des heures mais ne trouve rien...
He searches for hours but didn't find anything...
Le matin, il a reçu un message d'Emily.
In the morning, he received a message from Emily.
Elle lui annonce qu'elle avait trouvé sa clef USB dans son sac à main !
She tells him that she had found her USB key in her purse!
Alors Philippe pousse un soupir de soulagement et retourne au lit...
Then Philippe sighs with relief and goes back to bed...