Get prepared to discover all the things you have to know about the inspirational sentence "Sois toi-même". It includes a full guide of what it is and how to use it in a casual conversation with an audio example. But, we also added some useful things like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonyms and more!
Translation : Be yourself
Register : Neutral - Inspirational
IPA : / swa twamɛm /
It literally means:
Such a classic inspirational sentence: very useful as a personal reminder or to motivate someone else. It simply means "Be yourself" and it encourages us to stop chasing to be like someone else, look like someone else, etc.
It's a way to say that the best thing we can do in this world is to simply be ourselves.
This is very simple to use. If you know someone who needs to stop trying to be someone else and act more naturally, tell this person: "Sois toi-même."
It also looks gorgeous as a tattoo!
Comment savoir quoi faire ?
How to know what to do in this situation?
Sois toi-même, c'est toujours la bonne solution
Be yourself, it's always the right solution.
Tu as raison, merci !
You're right, thanks!
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