Get prepared to find out everything you need to know about the inspirational French sentence "Je vais de l'avant". More precisely, it includes a complete explanation of what it is and how to use it in a dialogue with an audio example. And because we want to help you on your learning journey, we also added super useful stuff like dialogue example, synonym, slow pronunciation audio and more!
Translation : I'm moving on
Register : Neutral - Inspirational
IPA : / ʒə vɛ də lavɑ̃ /
It literally means: "I'm going forward" and it expresses the idea of: "I'm moving forward" or "I'm moving on" or even "I'm making progress" through the image of someone walking from his past, pain and failures towards something else.
It's typically used after a tough situation (such as an injury, losing someone or a breakup) to symbolize that this situation belongs to your past and that you are moving forward to something else now.
It can also be a personal mantra/motivational sentence to keep in mind, as you will see in the next section.
If you just want to remind yourself to keep moving forward, use "Il faut aller de l'avant" (One's should be moving forward) or "Je vais de l'avant" (I'm moving forward)
In case someone you know needs to hear that after a difficult situation, tell this person "Il faut aller de l'avant" to motivate him/her.
In case you want to say the exact opposite, use instead "Je tourne en rond." which literally means "I'm turning around". It's a pretty visual antonym for "Je vais de l'avant" which implies turning into circles instead of following one direction and making progress.
Elle m'a quitté...
She dumped me...
Oh non... je suis désolée pour toi
Oh no... I'm sorry for you
Ne t'inquiète pas, je vais de l'avant
Don't worry, I'm moving on
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