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The French saying "Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné"

Are you ready to discover everything you have to know about the inspirational saying "Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné"? To be clear, this includes a full definition of what it mean and how you can use it in a casual conversation with an audio example.Additionally, we also added some super useful stuff like literal meaning, slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English

  • Translation : It's better to be alone than in bad company

  • Register : Neutral - Inspirational

How to pronounce



  • IPA : / mjø vo ɛtʁə sœl kə mal akɔ̃paɲe /

aesthetic french quote mieux vaut etre seul que mal accompagne

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Example in a dialogue with audio


Ça me rend fou d'être célibataire

It makes me crazy to be single

Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné

It's better to be alone than in bad company

Oui, tu as raison !

Yes, you're right!

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Mieux vaut tard que jamais