Ready to discover all the things you want to know about the inspirational French saying "Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné"? To be clear, it includes a detailed explanation of what it mean and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But wait, we also added some useful things like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example, literal meaning and more!
Translation : It's better to be alone than in bad company
Register : Neutral - Inspirational
IPA : / mjø vo ɛtʁə sœl kə mal akɔ̃paɲe /
Ça me rend fou d'être célibataire
It makes me crazy to be single
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné
It's better to be alone than in bad company
Oui, tu as raison !
Yes, you're right!
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