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Discover the French proverb "Mieux vaut tard que jamais"

We are going to explain you all the things you need to know about the inspirational French proverb "Mieux vaut tard que jamais". More precisely, this includes a detailed guide of what it is and how to use it in a dialogue with an audio example. But that's not all, we also added some useful informations like literal meaning, slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English translation

  • Translation : Better late than never

  • Register : Neutral - Inspirational

How to pronounce



  • IPA : / mjø vo taʁ kə ʒamɛ /

aesthetic french quote mieux vaut tard que jamais

Learn French
with Audio Stories

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Example in a dialogue with audio


Je suis prêt

I'm ready

Enfin ! Ça fait 2 heures que j'attends !

Finally! I've been waiting for 2 hours!

Mieux vaut tard que jamais

Better late than never

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Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné


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Même les meilleures choses ont une fin