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The French phrase "Enfin bref" revealed

You are going to find out all the things you need to know about the basic French sentence "Enfin bref". To be more specific, this includes a full guide of what it is and how you can use it in a dialogue with an audio example. Not to mention the cool informations we sprinkled like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

English translation

  • Translation : Anyway / In short

  • Register : Informal - Basic

How to pronounce it?



  • IPA : / ɑ̃fɛ̃ bʁɛf /

aesthetic french quote enfin bref

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↓ Example in a story with slow French audio ↓

Finally, let's see an example in a parallel story with slow audio.

Parler de bébé

Talking about baby

Philippe était assis sur le canapé et jouait à la Playstation.
Philippe was sitting on the couch and playing Playstation.
Soudainement, Emily entre dans la pièce...
Suddenly, Emily enters in the room...
EmilyTu ne vas jamais me croire !
You'll never believe me!
Philippe appuie sur pause et demande avec curiosité :
Philippe presses pause and asks with curiosity:
PhilippeQuoi ?!
Emily était super excitée...
Emily was super excited...
EmilyTu te souviens de ma meilleure amie Julia ?
Do you remember my best friend Julia?
Philippe réfléchit pendant quelques secondes...
Philippe thinks for a few seconds...
PhilippeTa camarade de classe ?
Your classmate?
EmilyNon, mon amie d'enfance.
No, my friend from childhood.
PhilippeAh oui ! Celle qui vivait à côté de chez toi ?
Ah yes! The one who lived next to your house?


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J'ai besoin d'une pause


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Aucune idée

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