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The French phrase "C'est bizarre" explained

You are in the right place to find out everything you ever wanted to know about the basic sentence "C'est bizarre". It includes a complete explanation of what it is and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. And that's not all, we also added some useful things like synonyms, slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example and more!

French to English

  • Translation : It's weird

  • Register : Neutral - Basic




  • IPA : / sɛ bizaʁ /

aesthetic french quote cest bizarre

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What does c'est bizarre mean?


The literal meaning is:

"C'est bizarre" is the common way to express "It's weird" in French and it's fine in most contexts.

How to use it

Use it exactly like you would use "It's weird" in English. If you want something even more formal, you can say: "C'est étrange" (It's strange). But for something more informal, you can use instead "C'est chelou".

One example: you tell a friend that you had the same dream 5 days in a row, and you add: "C'est bizarre non ?" (It's weird no?). And your friend would answer: "Oui, c'est bizarre !" (Yes, it's weird!)

To highlight how weird this is, you can add the word "Grave" (Seriously) before the word "Bizarre" which makes the sentence informal. Or you can add instead "Très" (Very) or "Vraiment" (Really) to keep the sentence formal/neutral.

Examples: "C'est grave bizarre" (It's seriously weird) or "C'est vraiment bizarre" (It's really weird).


Example in a dialogue with audio


T'as vu ce qu'il s'est passé ?!

Did you see what happened?!

Ouais, c'est bizarre !

Yeah, it's weird!

Carrément !


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