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The French sentence "Qu'est-ce que tu veux pour Noël"

You are in the right place to discover all the things you need to know about the basic sentence "Qu'est-ce que tu veux pour Noël?". To be clear, this includes a full explanation of what it mean and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. As well as the cool informations we added like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio and more!

French to English

  • Translation : What do you want for Christmas?

  • Register : Neutral - Basic - Christmas & New Year's Eve

Audio pronunciation



  • IPA : / kɛs kə ty vø puʁ nɔɛl? /

aesthetic french quote veux pour noel

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Example in a dialogue


Qu'est-ce que tu veux pour Noël?

What do you want for Christmas?

Une Ferrari !

A Ferrari!

Tu l'auras, quand les poules auront des dents !

You'll have it, when chicken will have teeth!

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