On this page, we are going to teach you all the things you need to know about the inspirational saying "Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières". More precisely, it includes a complete explanation of what it mean and how to use it in a dialogue with an audio example. Together with the useful informations we sprinkled like dialogue example, synonym, slow pronunciation audio and more!
Translation : Tall oaks from little acorns grow
Literal meaning : The little streams make the big rivers
Register : Neutral - Inspirational
IPA : / le pəti ʁɥiso fɔ̃ le ɡʁɑ̃d ʁivjɛːʁ. /
What makes a river so huge and unstoppable? Thousands of tiny streams.
Most of them are invisible and seem unimportant, but it's the sum of all these mini-streams that end up making such a powerful river.
And humans, just like streams, can't become "big" out of nowhere: they can only slowly grow up to become the tenacious river they want to be.
This proverb teaches us that with patience and perseverance: everything is possible, no matter how hard the task. All we have to do is to start small and slowly make our way toward something much bigger.
This saying reminds us of being patient and to never give up on our dreams, and can also inspire and motivate people.
Let's imagine you have a friend who thinks of quitting a commitment/project, afraid of the hard work to come, reminds him/her that "Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières".
That just like the stream, with patience and dedication, he/she will become a river.
Je m'entraîne mais je ne sens aucun effet
I'm training but I don't feel any effect
Les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières.
The little streams make the big rivers.
Alors je vais être patient et continuer !
Then I will be patient and keep going!
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