We are going to explain you all the things you ever wanted to know about the inspirational proverb "C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron". To be more specific, this includes a complete explanation of what it mean and how to use it in everyday life with an audio example. As well as the useful things we added like slow pronunciation audio, dialogue example, synonyms and more!
Translation : Practice makes perfect
Literal meaning : It's by forging that one becomes a blacksmith
Register : Neutral - Inspirational
IPA : / sɛt- ɑ̃ fɔʁʒɑ̃ kɔ̃ dəvjɛ̃ fɔʁʒəʁɔ̃. /
If I give you the world's most complete encyclopedia about how to become a blacksmith. If you study it intensely for years. You will know a lot of things about how to forge a sword for sure.
But would you be able to run into the forge and actually forge something?
Very (very) unlikely.
Imagine how many times a novice blacksmith has to hit the iron with his hammer, imagine the long hours in the heat he has to endure before becoming a blacksmith. Not even speaking of the plentiful times he will fail to do something looking like a decent sword.
If we could ask an old (French) blacksmith the secret recipe of how to become a good blacksmith, he would probably say: "C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron" (It's by forging that one becomes a blacksmith).
The English language has a similar proverb which is an excellent summary of the moral here: "Practice makes perfect".
And it works with everything, for example: you can spend years reading about how to learn French. But it's only the day you will practice for real by following a tailored French course that you will become fluent.
Many people focus too much on theory and not enough on practice, causing procrastination and preventing them from achieving their goals.
In case you are talking with someone in this situation, you can help them by talking about this proverb and the blacksmith's story. This is also a way to encourage failure, because only through that we can achieve greatness.
This saying is from Comenius and appeared during the 15th century.
C'est en forgeant que l'on devient forgeron. ("Que l'on" is the full version of "Qu'on" but we skip it most of the time.)
Je danse vraiment mal, comment progresser ?
I'm a very bad dancer, how to make progress?
C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron.
It's by forging that one becomes a blacksmith.
Alors je vais danser, encore et encore !
Then I'm going to dance again and again!
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